The SPEAKER Project

4FO as an Associated Partner of the SPEAKER Project

The research and development project SPEAKER aims to develop a German language assistance solution that will support the German industry and economy in terms of data sovereignty. The focus is primarily on better protecting personal data and securely exchanging it

The Fraunhofer ISS and the Fraunhofer IAIS are the initiators of the project, with 4FO AG acting as an associated partner in this project.

The translation from German to English is: "With the SPEAKER project as a voice assistant platform carrying the 'Made in Germany' seal, it is particularly possible to implement European standards of data security. The goal of the SPEAKER project is to provide an open, transparent, and secure voice assistant application. To achieve this, leading technologies in audio processing, speech recognition, natural language understanding, question answering, dialogue management, and voice systems must be made available for easy use through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning.

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